Dead Men Don’t Drive

book_2The satirist is at war with what ails the society. Holding the errant ways of a society or that of a person or a particular cadre of the society to ridicule is the essence of satire.

The art is to lay the absurdity of the subject matter bare for all to see. The vehicle with which to do this is satire. But what makes it all gel for the reader is humor. Yet this is not humor for the sake of humor, for that will denigrate the art to the stuff of joke-books. Satire is decorated humor. It is the window through which one beholds the absurd. Satire combines anger with irony and this is what suffuses through each line of the satirist’s prose. This is what others have called ‘militant irony’…

…If these stories seem to conjure up reality it is probably because they all have some basis in truth! How much truth? Well, you will have to read on…

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